Friday, June 25, 2010


It's been another fun few weeks. It seems like we've had a lot going on. I just got done doing another wedding and have picked up two more, we've been to a family reunion, and little things in between. These first pictures are at Michael's Craft Store. Railee tried on a few hats...

Chasey-Poo's first Father's Day. Railee loves her Daddy!
I have a video of me putting this bowl on Railee's head. I am going to send it into America's Funniest Videos. It makes me laugh so hard. I can't quite figure out how to post videos yet, and I don't spend enough time trying to figure it out. I'll keep trying. In the mean time, look for it on TV!
Oh boy, she already loves looking at herself in the mirror
Ok... here's a little game for my blog readers. See if you can spot the birdhouse in this tree... One of my dreams is to have a wrap around deck in one of my future houses. These lucky birds have one!

1 comment:

Cody and Kylie said...

So THATS the infamous picture of the bowl on her head. I love it!

Blogging Blogger

Well, isn't it about time I made one of these for Chase and me? I love looking at everybody else's... seeing what's been happening in everybody's lives with discription and pictures to go along with it. I thought since I enjoy seeing all the other blogs, why wouldn't people want to see mine. So, here it is! It's a work in progress, but it'll get better as I get more familiar with all the gadgets and gizmos. Hope you all enjoy it!