Thursday, August 26, 2010


The last few days have been crazy. Railee is not only crawling, but she is more squirmy than ever! I honestly didn't think it was possible, but it seems like EVERYTHING has been a wrestling match. This morning I gave her a bath and felt like I was wrestling an alligator. We tightened her high chair straps and she can still squirm herself out. She is pulling herself onto whatever she can... walls, chairs, beds, clothes hamper, toilet, dishwasher, couch, bath tub, my leg, etc. At church, Chase and I take turns taking her out if she needs to. I can't remember the last time I sat through Relief Society. And this last Sunday I observed all the other babies during Sacrament Meeting and Sunday school to see if her squirminess was in my head or if it was normal. We have a lot of babies in our ward about the same age as Railee. Not even kidding, one baby was just sitting on her mom's lap looking around the room not making a peep. Another, happily sitting on the floor playing with a toy almost the whole class. All the other babies were doing similar things. My baby... out in the hallway with Chase because we can't get her to stop talking, moving, patting things, throwing her toy, trying to stand up, trying to sit back down, wanting her bottle, not wanting her bottle, reaching to be on the floor, reaching to sit on our laps, scaling chairs, yanking people's clothes, razzing her tongue, pulling my hair, whining here and there, and then all that all over again. And it only gets worse as the end of church slowly gets closer. Do I keep taking her out? I don't want her to get in a habit getting to leave class just by whining or wiggling... she'll figure that trick out quick! However, I don't want to be the mom who everybody is thinking, "Holy cow, Woman! Take your stinkin' kid out already!" I LOVE that she is so active! It makes it a lot harder to get things done or simply sit through something, but I do love it! I can't wait to get her into sports or dance or SOMETHING! I think she will love to do something where she can move her body, and I think she'll do well with it. We need to channel all that energy! This is us in the mothers' room.
This post is going to be super long. Months keeping getting shorter, yet we seem to cram more and more into each one. We've had a fabulous August and it's not even over yet. The next few pictures are at Lake Powell with my in-laws. It was a blast. Railee was teething, though, so the first few days she had a fever and didn't want much to do with anything. It was one of the coldest Lake Powell trips I've ever been on, but was glad in the way that Railee didn't get overheated with her fever and all. This first picture is of Casey, Aspen, and Jade. Oh, and I'm so happy that Jade got her braces off because now she'll let me take pictures of her. Isn't she cute?
Railee loved the sand. She tried to eat it. Chase made me let her so that she could find out that it isn't tasty. He was right, she didn't like it.

It rained a little bit our first day on the lake, and most of the day on our second day. I thought it was kinda fun, though. We sheltered ourselves and hung out on the boat. It was kinda cozy.

Railee didn't love being in the water, but she loves when the boat is going. We love it too because she gets really snuggly.
On our way to Lake Powell we got stuck behind this Yay-hoo a few times. We'd pass him, stop for gas or food or a diaper change, he'd get ahead of us, and then we'd have to pass him again. We couldn't decide if we should laugh or not.... seriously who carts around a horse like this? Poor thing was scared out of its mind. You could see how tense he was. Oh and Chase saw this man's wife's behind when they made a bathroom stop on the side of the road. They were a great piece of entertainment for us.
I had a wedding last week. This is a picture of one of the centerpieces.
We went to St George for my dad's birthday. Had a breakfast party with swimming afterward.

Darby, my mom, Railee, and I took a trip to Vegas to do some shopping. Ever been to Trader Joe's? It's just a grocery store, but it has awesome things inside that you honestly can't find anywhere else. Our favorite things... Maple Leaf cookies and Oatmeal Cranberry Dunkers. I also love their dipping and marinading sauces. It's definitely worth a trip if you're in Vegas.
Sky, I guess feeling left out, jumped into Railee's car seat when we were getting ready to leave. He could have picked any other seat in the car, but he wanted Railee's. I really wish that I could have read his thoughts here.
Rice Crispy treat spoon just because it's cute.


Tahnee said...

i LOVE trader joes! i miss not having one close to me!!

jayni & ben said...

my goodness i love when you update your blog. i love to see your baby. She is getting sooo stinking big. i want to go to lake powell and saint george.

The Butlers said...

glad you guys are doing well!

Cody and Kylie said...

So cute. I miss Trader Joes. We have them in pretty much every city near my hometown, but none here. So I have had to do without their awesomeness for a while. SO sad. All the pictures are so cute!!! Sounds like you have had a great month. :)

Blogging Blogger

Well, isn't it about time I made one of these for Chase and me? I love looking at everybody else's... seeing what's been happening in everybody's lives with discription and pictures to go along with it. I thought since I enjoy seeing all the other blogs, why wouldn't people want to see mine. So, here it is! It's a work in progress, but it'll get better as I get more familiar with all the gadgets and gizmos. Hope you all enjoy it!