Monday, August 2, 2010

Bye-bye, July!

Ok, so these pictures aren't really in order... but it seems like I haven't blogged in a long time. July is over. I love July. There is always so much going on! About two weeks ago I bought some baby bubble bath for Railee. She loves it! She slaps the water trying to touch it, and the last few times we've used it she tried to eat it.... I noticed it the first time when I turned my head to grab something and turned back to see bubbles all around her mouth. So cute! It made me laugh!

July was a big month of firsts for Railee. She's almost 7 months now!!!! I can hardly believe it! She's getting so big. She started eating all sorts of new things. She's crawling now and pulling herself up on everything. I know I don't really have anything to compare her to, but I just really feel like she's always been really strong. I mean, she was holding her head up (and steady) at 6 weeks. People still ask me if she's rolling over yet. She's been rolling over for months! A few weeks ago I was cleaning Railee's room. I sat her in her crib while I vacuumed and had my back to her for no longer than a minute. When I turned to check on her she had pulled herself up to standing, propping herself on the railing of the crib. Scared me! Mostly because she got all excited when I looked at her that she started to lean forward. She hadn't ever pulled herself up on anything before this.... then all the sudden there she was! Like she had always known how to! I'm glad it didn't happen in the middle of the night where she could have EASILY toppled over the edge! We lowered her mattress that night. Anyway... she's a busy body! Very determined to move, wiggle, twist, reach, roll, crawl, or anything else to get to where she wants to be, or get what she wants to play with. She had a nasty little fall the other day. She twisted and squirmed her way right out of her Bumbo chair, landed in the sink (I don't let her sit on the counter anymore, I know you're not "supposed" to anyway). She had a little scuff next to her eye that went up and around her ear. Nobody believes me on how wiggly she is until they see it for themselves. WIGGLE WORM!

On the 24th we went to a demolition derby. Honestly, it was so much fun! I haven't been to anything quite like it before. It was entertaining as heck! This is a picture of the car I was rootin' for, on top of a car he just rolled over (one of three). He ended up winning the whole thing. Go 59!

July is also the month of birthdays, including my husband's. We had a blast celebrating his birthday at Boondocks... just us. We played miniature golf, arcade games, and even did the photo booth. It was so much fun!

We went camping the night of the 23rd with Darby, Trevor, and Trevor's little brother. We went to our secret spot that seriously is the best! There's room for tons of people, it's flat, near a toilet, and is perfect to let our dog run around stress free for us.

Finally, Railee and I went to Bear Lake with my wonderful in-laws. It was their Youth Conference. We had a great time, being Railee's first time on the boat. She wasn't a huge fan of her life jacket, but she LOVED when the boat was really going. She'd lay back and close her eyes, and she even fell asleep a few times. She couldn't get enough of the sand. She'd squish it in her toes and hands as long as I'd let her and only tried to eat it twice... succeeded once. BUT... we're ready for Lake Powell this week! She did GREAT both on our camping trip and this boating trip! She makes our lives so easy. We love her SO MUCH!

I didn't realize I had so much to say! But this is what we've all been up to the last few weeks.

1 comment:

The Hale Family said...

I love updates. Looks like you guys are doing great! Darling little girl!

Blogging Blogger

Well, isn't it about time I made one of these for Chase and me? I love looking at everybody else's... seeing what's been happening in everybody's lives with discription and pictures to go along with it. I thought since I enjoy seeing all the other blogs, why wouldn't people want to see mine. So, here it is! It's a work in progress, but it'll get better as I get more familiar with all the gadgets and gizmos. Hope you all enjoy it!