Monday, January 3, 2011


I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but blogging just doesn't appeal to me as much anymore. At times it does, but not very often. Life's been great for us! Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's were all great and so fun with Railee. Railee is almost one, I can't believe it! She is almost walking... just yesterday she really seemed like she's starting to actually try. I don't think it'll be much longer before she is walking. We love her so much, she brings so much joy into our lives! I honestly don't know what I'd do without her. She's always just so happy and active and full of surprises. I've also seen her make several other people happy, which is one of many reasons I really believe she has a special spirit. She is special and I hope that we will always be able to help her realize that.

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Blogging Blogger

Well, isn't it about time I made one of these for Chase and me? I love looking at everybody else's... seeing what's been happening in everybody's lives with discription and pictures to go along with it. I thought since I enjoy seeing all the other blogs, why wouldn't people want to see mine. So, here it is! It's a work in progress, but it'll get better as I get more familiar with all the gadgets and gizmos. Hope you all enjoy it!