Monday, June 20, 2011


Hallelujah! The Ragnar is done! Everybody survived and the team did great! It looked like a lot of fun and I was trying to make myself feel like I was just as involved as the runners. Next year, baby... NEXT YEAR! I felt so pumped the whole time. I couldn't sleep I was so excited and nervouse for them all. Nerdy, I know. Here are some shots of the action. Great job, Lotta Swasses!
The magic van...

This isn't a very great picture, but it's the team joining up with Ashlee to run across the finish line. What an excited moment for everybody. They got metals and free Little Ceasars pizza to help celebrate! Woohoo!

This is how long it took them from start until finish. What a journey! There was a BYU team whose starting time was very last and they finished first. Meaning they passed EVERYBODY! They finished in I think they said 18 hours. That's 5 minutes for every mile. Is that even human?

The ones who came back to finish. Some members had to get to something else that night, but there were a total of 12 runners.

Everybody had their name on their shirt. If you don't know what Lotta Swass means... let's put it this way: "Swase" means sweaty Chase. So Swass means sweaty....

I am so jealous that I didn't get to participate this year. It looked tiring, but fun. We will do it next year and I think we might even sign up for two teams. If anybody wants in, let us know!


Jobi Niu said...

I totally want to do it! J.J. did it last year and had a blast! I think Janessa, J.J, Lindsey, and I all want to do it next year!! Good job team swass!! Lol... Haha I love that name. I have like 20 friends who all ran in it as well! Love you Mikah!!! Miss you.

jayni & ben said...

I wanna do it. We cheered on JJ last year and it looked so fun. Thanks for the update. I was wondering about the team and how they did. Love the name. Haha

Blogging Blogger

Well, isn't it about time I made one of these for Chase and me? I love looking at everybody else's... seeing what's been happening in everybody's lives with discription and pictures to go along with it. I thought since I enjoy seeing all the other blogs, why wouldn't people want to see mine. So, here it is! It's a work in progress, but it'll get better as I get more familiar with all the gadgets and gizmos. Hope you all enjoy it!