Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Congrats, Grandpa!

First off, I need to brag about my awesome grandpa. He and my grandma just made Grand Marshall of the American Fork Steele Days. I'm not exactly sure what that means... from what I understand, though, you need to be wicked awesome to even be nominated and then chosen!!! They announced this all last night at some event I wasn't able to make. Along with the announcement they highlighted his accomplishments in life. I wish I could have been there to hear it. I am so proud to be related to this man (and woman). When I was younger, I loved to tell people my name was Mikah Ingersoll Davies. I just had to put it in there somewhere. Congrats, Gramps!
Next.... I am not sure what to update on. Life doesn't seem to exciting when I try to look back on it as a whole. There are moments here and moments there that are great, though. Chase and I took a small trip down to Moab and circled ourselves through Durango, CO and then Silverton, Vernal and then home. It was a motorcycle trip with our buddies and some of their buddies. I wasn't super excited riding for 1,000 miles on a motorcycle while being almost 6 months pregnant, so we followed in our car. It was still amazing! What a gorgeous drive! My favorite stop was Silverton, Colorado. It's a small, SMALL town where they mine silver. The town only has one paved road. It seriously looks like a town you'd find in an old Western film. The best part, though, was the river was orange! Yes... ORANGE!

Unfortunately, Railee didn't go on our trip with us. I missed her sooooo much! It was nice to have it be just me and Chase, but it's just weird being without her. She's my little buddy and I'm starting to realizing that more and more. I can't wait until I can understand what she's trying to say to me. I pretend I do, but it all sounds the same. Lately, however, she's been starting to repeat a lot more words. She's tried to say strawberry, yogurt, applesauce, Railee, outside, happy... just to name a few. I love it! One day we'll really be able to have conversations! Anyway, she has an obsession with rocks, dirt, and being outside. I open up our door to the backyard sometimes and she honestly could stay out there FOREVER if I let her. One Sunday I took her on a walk and she found 5 rocks and carried them around our whole walk. She wouldn't go two steps without them, yet her two tiny hands could barely fit 4 of them, let alone the 5th and biggest one of them all. I took a picture of these special, special rocks. So, on our trip to Colorado, for her souvenir we bought her a purple, sparkly, polished rock. It's the only rock she doesn't give a hoot about. Of course!

She also is becoming a master climber. This picture is just the couch, but there have been times I look at her and she's climbed higher than the time before onto places you never would think of as a place to stand or sit. She made it onto our window sill the other day. I looked over in time to catch her leaning on the window screen saying hi to the outside. It was bowing outward. A second longer and she would have gone through! Scary!

It's obvious Railee is my main highlight in life, because this blog is turning out to be all about her. I just love her to pieces! This picture is just funny. Every time she even sees the camera she whips out her cheesiest smile and starts saying "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeese!" Even if it's just our phone, she'll still pose.

This is in the car after eating a corndog. I looked back to check on her and found this...

I don't know if I posted any Easter pictures already, but this one makes me laugh and it kind of makes me sad. We were at my parents' house for Easter. I ran upstairs to grab my camera before we let Railee loose on her Easter basket the bunny brought her. I walked back in to see this. Chase was in the kitchen talking to Trevor and didn't notice Railee had wandered and found her Easter basket... already enjoying all the contents inside... pink grass spread everywhere! We were so sad that we missed her first reaction. Oh well. At least she did enjoy all the stuff!

That's it on the Harrison Happenings. After this week, though, I will have more to post. Lots of people in my Davies family (including Chase, Darby, and Trevor) are running the RAGNAR. My mom, Staci, Devin, and whoever else I guess, will be in front of the Midway house watching them run by. We will take lots of pictures and I will post them. I almost feel just as involved for whatever reason. I am just as excited and nervous as the ones running it. I'll update to tell y'all how they did. Go team Lotta Swass!


jayni & ben said...

You crack me!!! I love your updates. Keep them coming. Railee could not be cuter.

Jon and Julie Melton said...

Cute post Mikah. :). Love you and your family!

Blogging Blogger

Well, isn't it about time I made one of these for Chase and me? I love looking at everybody else's... seeing what's been happening in everybody's lives with discription and pictures to go along with it. I thought since I enjoy seeing all the other blogs, why wouldn't people want to see mine. So, here it is! It's a work in progress, but it'll get better as I get more familiar with all the gadgets and gizmos. Hope you all enjoy it!